Monday, August 29, 2005

strike, double, turkey!!

today, the haitham's haiku reading jimin taught me to do this

for example:
i come from uk, united kingdom ulu kelantan.

my haiku:
the night is cold
the moon is full
i'm freezing.


tiap kali,
aku pandang wajahnya,
aku lihat kamu,
dalam pakaiannya,
aku lihat kamu,
dalam pekertinya,
aku lihat kamu,
dalam hatinya.

aku tahu,
aku sedar,
itu hanya refleksi hatiku,
berkenaan kamu.

aku ingin kamu jadi sepertinya.

kamu adalah kamu,
dan dia adalah dia.

the khutbah

it was really after a long time ago, the last time i witnessed a really good jum3h khutbah.
this time, the khatib was habib ali al-jifri. even though i understood only 2 or 3 words from the whole khutbah, he mesmerised me so much. that was how khutbah should be delivered, as if it is a public speaking.

the hands gestured, the body talked, the eyes contacted. so energetic. no pause filler, no hesitation, full of confidence, he made the khutbah so much alived.

the translator after the khutbah was also great. he did read from the note he'd taken, but the way he conveyed it as if that was his own speech.

[am i praising them too much?]

what do our khatib offers? except a number of them, they give nothing much than a lullaby, as if they're saying in the khutbah: o muslim, come sleep. it's khutbah time, so come zzzzz. they're reading the pieces of paper, which a primary school children can do the same. is this how they show the ummah their worth of being imams?

what the imams can do to improve theirselves? attend a public speaking and presentation skills class.

dia lompat

dia lompat,
dari tingkat 9,
tersadung di beranda tingkat 6,
terlantun dari ponco parkir tingkat bawah,
ke atas pili bomba.

pipi dan dagu pecah.
dia naik lif ke tingkat 9 semula,
baca balik surat wasiat dan suicide note,
betulkan apa2 yang patut,
dan naik ke tingkat 15.

dia lompat,
dari tingkat 15,
dan pada tingkat 12,
datang malaikat pencabut nyawa,
tak masuk syurga!

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

my major

kali ni aku nak taip dalam bahasa melayu. penat otak nak mmikirnya aih; berkenaan majoring, yang mana sumer skang ni dah dok pakat2 pikir nak major apa, nak blaja apa nanti. aerokah? komunikasikahkah? entah, aku tak cerat.

kalau ikutkan bapak aku dan atuk aku: blajar benda yang mudah dapat kerja. kalau macam tu awal2 aku dah masuk maktab, takpun mintak gi upsi jadi cikgu. takpun, aku kerja aje kat pam minyak petronas cabang tiga, dekat rumah awek-awek aku tu, atau stesen petronas padang tembak, litar rempit malam minggu.

katanya bonda aku pulak: belajarlah apa2 pun. tak kisah nak kerja apa esok.

kata pulak seorang mamat tu yang pada pengetahuan aku, dia adalah seorang ketua pemuda umno kat sabah nun, yang banyak duit ulang alik datang rumah aku sebab nak jumpa akak aku, tapi masih tak masuk2 meminang: ambik la biotech, mudah skang nih.

maka ketawalah aku, sebab masa isi borang jpa dulu aku bagitau aku tgh blaja biotek. mana ada budak 1st year dah buat major bang oi.

aku tak penah pikir pasal nak kerja apa sebenarnya, jadi petani pon ok gak apa. asal dapat sekolahkan anak2 aku esok2, boleh keluarkan zakat juta2, boleh buat dana macam al-bukhari, dah bersyukur dah.

dan juga apabila kenangan lama mengimbau: ketika aku masih kecik, aku suka tengok kapal terbang. pak sedara aku bawak gi pameran aero, time tu aku masih lagi blom skolah. dah tu, bila masuk skolah, aku jadi suka ngan benda2 balistik ni. balistik ni ialah apantahakutakretinakhurai. dan bila abang ngan kakak bawak balik litar ringkas projek skolah menengah diorang, aku mula gian main litar elektronok pulak. sanggup naik basikal dari rumah aku ke kedai dekat alor lintah sebelah jatuh matahari sana untuk mencari komponen, yang pada aku mahal. ialah, led sebijik kecik tu dah dekat singgit.

kemudian naik pulak sekolah menengah, kenal la pulak budak siam tu dan arwah along [al-fatihah]. budak siam ni minat kat benda aero2 ni, dan arwah along ni pulak begitu entusias dengan litar elektronik, walaupun masa tu baru form 1. ngam la aku ngan diorang.

dah, tinggalkan kenangan tu semua. benda dah lepas.semua kenangan tu mungkin mempengaruhi tindakan bawah sedar aku dalam memilih major ni.

sekarang ni ialah masa untuk melihat ke arah hadapan, ke mana hala tuju aku selepas ini. keangkasakah? ke kebun sayurkah? ke kedai telefonkah? atau tidur sahaja.

nasihat tokey kau istikhoroh laa. kan?

pada aku, apa yang kita ambik tak penting, yang penting ialah bagaimana kita tempuhi jalan yang kita pilih tu. dapatkan keredhaan allah, nescaya selamat. bukan begitu?

jadi bagaimana aku pilih major? aku pakai dadu. aku bagitau keputusannya lain kali.

Monday, August 22, 2005

pagi ini ada konvo

pagi ini,
aku bangun awal,
nak pegi kelas: electronics,
yang mana tidak aku siapkan
kerana sibuk meniaga coconut shake dan burger,
dan menonton teater dan mock trial.

pagi ini,
jalan depan main gate,
jem giler,
sebab ada konvo.

pagi ini,
din bawak kereta,
tawaf satu uia,
sebab pak gad tak bagi masuk paking kat kuliyyah,
"oi din, kita student laa."

pada pusingan kedua,
sudah melewati waktu kelas,
"kami nak gi kelas la, pakcik"
"haa, masuk. kena clam tak tau."
dan kami masuk ke kawasan paking kuliyah,
pusing2 cari paking.

di hadapan bangunan e3,
lecturer kami,
baru turun dari keretanya,
yang dalam petak kuning,

"saya pun baru sampai gak",
kelas kensel.

ah, so busy, so busy

i hardly touched my edu books; except the hunt club novel which i read at least a line a day, and of course the quran. annyhoo, i would browse through magz, books, papers and any other readable stuffs (except the edu) and came across this:

Dia tarik hujung ibu jari kaki kanan atas pasir, kemudian dia buat bentuk bulat yang senget macam hidung Tok Chu."Ni kepale bapok mung, ni kepale bapok aku. Kalu mung jattang, mung..."

Dia tergolek-golek atas pasir sambil memegang celah kelangkang.
Bapak aku dah mati, bodoh, apa lagi yang perlu aku takut?

the words that i read the most for last two days were:

abc rm1.50, cpt rm1.50, coconut shake special rm1.50, regular rm1.00

moh beli coconut shake. i'm in charge for the stall #72. of course spending all day and night there doesn't give me the time to do the assignments. conclusion: burnt.

Friday, August 19, 2005

influenced by an apple

Whenever I use a pc, I have to remind myself that I am using a pc, not an apple. It is obvious that a pc is not an apple, since a pc is a pc, and you eat the apple, or give eat to someone else, or hide it until it gets the rotten smell, or you can simply develop a community of lactobacillus acidophilus in the apple.

Whenever I use a pc, open more than 3 windows, I can’t stop my fingers from pressing the f9, f10 and the f11 keys. It has become a habit, a habit developed after some while spent in front of an apple. Remember the phrase: “an apple a day keeps the doc away”? Well, not in my case. even ten apples a day won't make the doc away.

I long for a pc that has it’s f9, f10 and f11 keys are functioning like on the apple keyboard.

see, i'm trying to press those keys again! those keys really come in convenient and handy when you use an apple computer, or better known as mac. unfortunately, for we are not exposed to the mac computer, most of us don't even know the function of these keys, and probably don't even know how to switch on a mac, including the brother who suppose to 'look after' the itd lab. [ngumpat, hahaha].even though i like to use apple computer, it is unlikely i'm going to buy one, for the price for that (-->) apple is not cheap.

conclusion: "a petai a day will make the doc away"

Thursday, August 18, 2005

mengejar pelangi

kata stat pukol 8. ni dah pukol 8.15.
sabarla kejap lagi. alaa, jgn la marah.
sabar. sabar. breathe. huuuf. tenang, tenang.
sori yer, dewan takkan dibuka sehingga 8.45.
sowii. mana tau nak jadi cam ni. janga la marah.
mana ada marah. tengok, tak shout pun. huu, tenang. tenang.
kalau tau awal2.
meh minum.
err, emm, ok.
nak minum apa?
kau order apa?
air karot ngan pau.
teh o ais yer.
[dan kedengaran azan isya']
lepas makan, nak gi terus, ke solat dulu?
kita solat dulu a. melayu semua kat odi tu.

[usai solat]
sori ek, masuk tak tunggu kau.
takper, tengok jam tu. dah pukol 9, tapi masih tak stat lagi.
[dan kami enjoyed the show]

gue duluan ya. jaa.

16 agustus 2005.
tulis dalam diari.

morning musume

it's a quarter after 8, and i'm already in the library. it's kinda cold in here, for the downpour is watering the earth outside. i'm in the run; away from the seductive bed and pillow. i have a lot of thing to finish in this very week. getting myself involved in convest, glide, and the just-around-the-corner examinations don't let me to indulge in my senses.

yesterday, when i was in the (kind of boring) obj. orntd. programming class, half conscious, for the otak dah tepu, i saw the bored stopa (read: musthofa) starting to write something on the table. vandalisme, heh? i got hooked with the khat he made, and the arabic poem he wrote. i asked him to write the first rangkap in my book, and the literal tranlation was:

give me two hearts,
i will love you with one.
and i will plant the other one
in your soul; torturing.

then, i read him what i had memorized when i was young:

[translated: waqod ightada watthoiru....]
berpagi-pagi aku keluar,
sedangkan burung-burung masih di sarang,
dengan kudaku
yang bagaikan baldu terpasang: bulunya,
ke kiri, ke kanan,
depan dan belakang
ku pacu laju,
bagaikan batu yang jatuh dari lerengan.

i forgot the rest.

Monday, August 15, 2005

human: reenginered.

ngomongnya ghafor: blog kamu ini masih kurang berinformatis

Brain chips that enable us to control machines with our thoughts. Kidneys and lungs built to order in the lab. Pills to make you smarter and more creative. An implant that gives you a tan and protects against skin cancer. All these innovations are in development; some are already being tested on human subjects.

The next technological frontier will be our own bodies. Genetics, materials science, tissue engineering and nanotechnology are already yielding products to help the sick and injured, including a Band-Aid-like heart patch and the C-leg prosthesis for amputees. But we are entering a century in which medical science will go beyond treating disease to create enhancements that will make us “better than well.”

huger and the rain

yesterday, when the heaven was just starting to pour its contents, i bumped into huger (read: you-gee; it's a french name). i was on my way to lift my clothes at the ampaian, and he was washing his.
huger: is it raining? [continue his washing]
\me: starting to.
huger: owh.
considering that he was washing, i wanted to say something about the time of the heaven-pours reached earth, but suddenly,
huger: good. alhamdulillah. it's rahmah from allah.
\me: mmm, yeah. alhamdulillah. [rasa malu pada huger]

p/s: the rain do smell, and the smell's so nice.

dikala mentari tidak lagi mampu
menembusi lapisan2 awan
dan guruh2 berdentuman
air di tempayan dicurahkan.

di kala butir2 mutiara
anugerah tuhan
menyentuh membasahi bumi,
peluklah ia kemas
dalam dakapanmu,
bila ia tiada,
kau pasti merindu.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

debat debat

i attended the debate and public speaking class for the third time; last night. about almost 40 people showed up as well. we were divided into several groups, and for my unfortunate (hehehe), far8 was in the same group that i was in. we were given a topic to present in front of the other members, facilitated by azhan.

the topic was: "convince the other that you should be given the parachute"

situation: a plane you are boarding with the other members is going to crash, and likely, all are going to die except 1, for there is only 1 parachute. choose any figure you wanna be, and convince the other why you should be given the parachute in two points and elaborate them.

dia' ( he chose to be an engineer) said: i am an expert in the field of nuclear and i know a lot of secrets.

the brunei lady ( a pregnant woman): i had 9 times miscariage! this is my first child. today is the 9th day of the 9th month. my husband cheated me. my mother is sick.

far8 ( an 8-year-old boy) : ow, i'm gonna die. please let me die, please. [hahaha, go die la u]

the shah alam lady ( chose to be herself ): i'm not married yet. i have my mission and vision to achieve.

jamila ( a worldwide famous popstar [at first i heard she says "pornstar"]): i'll cherish millions of people if i survive. i'll bring smiles on everyone's face.

/me ( a pregnant woman [haha]): [i was giggling, shaking and waving my hands in the air. nerves; me] if you people sacrifice for me, you save 2 lifes instead of one. and for the fact that i am the queen of the kingdom of andalusia, if i survive this crash, i'll urge my husband; the king to give your family 7 generations worth of wealth [my sentences jumbled up here].

the kajang-bangi girl ( 8-year-old child): i'm the only hope of my late mother. my father's going to marry again; with a mean lady. i know she just afters my fathers money. please let me live. i have to stop the marriage. [we laughed]

the thai girl ( be herself): i just graduated in islamic studies, and i'm going to be a teacher, to teach the children of my province about islam. i'm getting married in 1 week, so please, give me the parachute.

i ached my young ribs (rusuk muda?) for laughing loudly witout bursting them out. [end]

if u are the judge, who will u give the parachute? other than yourself of course.

Monday, August 08, 2005

the rage(?) within

yesterday, i got a message from someone, asking my permission to do something, and of course i allowed. then later in the mids of night, i received a 'thanx' message, and i replied; telling why i gave my permission earlier. the reply later on sure gave me a stab, right into my pulmonary artery ( i could hear the shout! ) and suddenly, i felt my left hand aching, and the wall in front of me cracked (kiddin yo, there was already a crack on the wall, but the pain was real ).

seriously,if the same message was from somebody else, i would just laugh.
then later on, i received two apology messages. i closed the book that i supposed to review for tomorrow's (today's) quiz and went to sleep. it was not that i mad, but...i needed to sleep. i really don't know how to get angry anymore, for i left my anger far behind, years ago. for my anger had brought tears to many. i had had problem with my anger management back then.

this morning, i apologized to the person for being rude last night ( me = scary + monster). i thought it was my fault; replying the 'thanx' message at the first time. or maybe i could just blame it on her premenstrual syndrome. everything has already cooled down, i reckoned.

as for the quiz, i felt like a tauhu sumbat waiting to be dip-fried in the hot boiling coconut oil, or like a katak pisang ( banana frog? ) under a coconut shell in the way of amoking war tanks, or like whatever! a total idiot, i was [like]. i couldn't answer even the easiest question. i gave out a big sigh. there was no one i could blame it on, except myself.

me: self motivated.

me novels

last friday, just after the jumaah prayer, i went to a booth selling used/old novels. it took me an hour to make the choice, for the price was rm12 for a novel, rm12 for 2, rm 12 for 3, rm12 for 4 and rm12 for 5. i picked up 6 novel, and the booth keeper said: that will be 24 ringgit. whoa! reluctantly, i put back one on the shelf, entitled "the letter from berlin" [i'm pretty sure that the story was nice] and paid for the 5 left.

a quote from one of them:

"the quality of any religion depends upon the moral system found in it" -desplechin, michel houllebecq's the elementary particle.

Friday, August 05, 2005

aicha, thumbdrive, "tuala wanita" and \she

1) I listened to a song by outlandish, entitled “aicha”, and for my ears listening, the rhythm was just the same with “aisyah” by yasin. The lyrics were different, though. “aisyah” by yasin was about saidatina, the prophet’s (sollallahu 3laihi wasallam) wife, while the “aicha” was about a girl striving to preserve her muslimah identity, wearing the hijab in the west; i reckon. or maybe somone can give better explaination.

2) I got myself a new flash drive. 256mb for rm75. that was a good bargain, wasn’t it?.

3) it was in the marketing class.

\tokeyhstore: owh, new thumbdrive ah? Where did you buy this?
\me: riverside.
\tokeyhstore: What else are they selling there?
\me: “tuala wanita”
\me: “tuala wanita”? what’s that? "tuala" must be big right? why "tuala wanita"? can't men use it?
Exclamation: tokeyhstore tak tau apa itu tuala wanita.

4) I bumped into the girl whom wanted to be my second wife.

\she: did your girlfriend give you her resume?
\me: no; why?
\she: then why I have to give you my resume?
\me: because I have known her for a long time.
\she: then give me a form. I can fill it in. [as usual, she grinned]
\me: next time la, ok? Hahaha.

I ran away. She started giving me the fright. What’s in her mind? Anybody can give me a good guess?
Is she:
a) just kidding?
b) serious?
c) hoping?

The answer is d. she doesn’t know what to do with her life. want to be with me? think for several times first.
i wonder how many times my gf had thought about this.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

fattaqun nisaa'

i think it was one of the saying of the prophet sollallahu 3laihi wasallam, "fattaqun nisaa'" : that a man should fear girls, for he does not know what is in their mind. correct me if i'm wrong.

today, i chatted with a (should i say female) friend, and below is some of the dialogue:

\she: you already have a girlfriend right?
\me: yup.
\she: a man can marry up to four right?
\me: yes. why?
\she: then i'm going to be your second wife. [she grinned!]
\me: waa!? send me your resume first. i'll consider about it. eh, i have class. got to go.

1) i know that she was just kidding me, but do we suppose to kid on this matter?
2) my girlfriend is going to kill me when she find this out. hehehe.

Monday, August 01, 2005

eye test

the more your eyes in strain, the more waves you will behold.

ganguro girl

that day, i browsed through my friend's computer folder, and found a game, ganguro girl. the objective was clear: to date girl(s) [and you know what happened after a guy dates a girl in the west; or japan for the term ganguro girls only exist in japan], in a hundred days.

so, i started playing, and after a while, i felt that i was the most stupid [pervert (hahaha)] male student in uia. damn! i could feel my idiocy laughing between my eyes. i closed the programme and did something far more better and benificial: sleep.

about ganguro girl:

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

Ganguro, (ガン黒) literally "face-black", is a fashion trend among Japanese girls, an outgrowth of chapatsu hair dyeing. The basic look is bleached-blond hair and a deep tan, produced by tanning beds or makeup. The intent is to produce the tanned, blond California beach girl look. Accessories include high platform shoes or boots, purikura photo stickers, and cellular phones.

The Shibuya and Ikebukuro districts of Tokyo are the center of ganguro fashion. It goes against the grain of the usual Japanese standard of female beauty, which calls for skin as white as possible. The roots of the trend are said to be in the mid-1960s, starting with commercials/advertisements in which actresses emulated the California "beach bunny" look. [end]

the difference between japanese ganguro and malaysian bohsia is the fashion, for nowadays the bohsias can be found wearing hijab.