Saturday, March 05, 2005

me, an insector ,or.....

what is insector, really? for me it is something that has something to do with insects. insect--insector. hmmm.

weeks ago, seekor riang2 (what's riang2 in english, anybody?!) flew into my room, and eventually, it died. i dried it up, and bottled it in an emptied jem bottle along with some silica gel. the bottle now works better as my paperweight. fyi, almost every night i'll have these creepy six-legged creatures visiting my room. you name it: roaches, ants (for sure), kelkatu, albino grasshopper (it was white, dude), et cetera. ok, maybe because i sleep with the windows open, but there's no any sign outside my windows that says " insects' night". whatever... and for they are the preys, the predators will come as follow:
insect= lizard + SHIT! i hate it so much. do you know that killing a lizard gives you reward? perhaps.
when i was a kid, i used to lastik lizards using folded newspaper and straps of rubber and later on, we would be having ' bbq cicak' or ' cicak masak stim'.

and aa, yes. the term for something that has something to do with insect is enthomology. perhaps, i'll be an enthomologying engineer.


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